When is deep copy and when is shallow copy?

What do you expect?

import copy

import torch

class LogisticRegression(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, in_channels, class_num):
        super(LogisticRegression, self).__init__()
        self.fc = torch.nn.Linear(in_channels, class_num)

    def forward(self, x):
        return self.fc(x)

m = LogisticRegression(2, 2)
a = m.state_dict()

for v in m.parameters():
    #v[0] = 123.0
    #v[0].data = torch.Tensor([123.0])
    v.data -= 0.5 * v.data
print("state_dict() is shallow copy:")

# whether to comment this line matters!!!!!!
a = copy.deepcopy(a)

for k in a:
    #a[k][1] = 456.0
    #a[k][1].data = torch.Tensor([456.0])
    a[k].data -= 0.5 * a[k].data
print("load_state_dict() is ? copy:")

for param in m.parameters():
    #param[0] = 999.0
    #param[0].data = torch.Tensor([999.0])
    param.data -= 0.5 * param.data
print("load_state_dict() is ? copy:")

The output is as follow:

OrderedDict([('fc.weight', tensor([[-0.0472, -0.4500],
        [-0.3051, -0.3033]])), ('fc.bias', tensor([-0.1162, -0.4246]))])
OrderedDict([('fc.weight', tensor([[-0.0472, -0.4500],
        [-0.3051, -0.3033]])), ('fc.bias', tensor([-0.1162, -0.4246]))])

state_dict() is shallow copy:
OrderedDict([('fc.weight', tensor([[-0.0236, -0.2250],
        [-0.1525, -0.1517]])), ('fc.bias', tensor([-0.0581, -0.2123]))])
OrderedDict([('fc.weight', tensor([[-0.0236, -0.2250],
        [-0.1525, -0.1517]])), ('fc.bias', tensor([-0.0581, -0.2123]))])

load_state_dict() is ? copy:
OrderedDict([('fc.weight', tensor([[-0.0236, -0.2250],
        [-0.1525, -0.1517]])), ('fc.bias', tensor([-0.0581, -0.2123]))])
OrderedDict([('fc.weight', tensor([[-0.0118, -0.1125],
        [-0.0763, -0.0758]])), ('fc.bias', tensor([-0.0291, -0.1062]))])

load_state_dict() is ? copy:
OrderedDict([('fc.weight', tensor([[-0.0118, -0.1125],
        [-0.0763, -0.0758]])), ('fc.bias', tensor([-0.0291, -0.1062]))])
OrderedDict([('fc.weight', tensor([[-0.0118, -0.1125],
        [-0.0763, -0.0758]])), ('fc.bias', tensor([-0.0291, -0.1062]))])

or as follow with a = copy.deepcopy(a) commented out:

OrderedDict([('fc.weight', tensor([[ 0.1331,  0.0882],
        [ 0.2721, -0.1324]])), ('fc.bias', tensor([-0.5216,  0.4661]))])
OrderedDict([('fc.weight', tensor([[ 0.1331,  0.0882],
        [ 0.2721, -0.1324]])), ('fc.bias', tensor([-0.5216,  0.4661]))])

state_dict() is shallow copy:
OrderedDict([('fc.weight', tensor([[ 0.0665,  0.0441],
        [ 0.1360, -0.0662]])), ('fc.bias', tensor([-0.2608,  0.2330]))])
OrderedDict([('fc.weight', tensor([[ 0.0665,  0.0441],
        [ 0.1360, -0.0662]])), ('fc.bias', tensor([-0.2608,  0.2330]))])

load_state_dict() is ? copy:
OrderedDict([('fc.weight', tensor([[ 0.0333,  0.0220],
        [ 0.0680, -0.0331]])), ('fc.bias', tensor([-0.1304,  0.1165]))])
OrderedDict([('fc.weight', tensor([[ 0.0333,  0.0220],
        [ 0.0680, -0.0331]])), ('fc.bias', tensor([-0.1304,  0.1165]))])

load_state_dict() is ? copy:
OrderedDict([('fc.weight', tensor([[ 0.0166,  0.0110],
        [ 0.0340, -0.0165]])), ('fc.bias', tensor([-0.0652,  0.0583]))])
OrderedDict([('fc.weight', tensor([[ 0.0166,  0.0110],
        [ 0.0340, -0.0165]])), ('fc.bias', tensor([-0.0652,  0.0583]))])

What makes the difference? The implementation of load_state_dict() can be roughly understood as copy each corresponding tensor:


which is different from the ordinary shallow copy

param_x = tensor_x

that leads to id(param_x) == id(tensor_x); and is also different from the so-called deep copy

param_x = copy.deepcopy(tensor_x)

for general Python object, e.g., list. Specifically, deep copy (a list) means allocating another memory space to hold the same values as the right-value (i.e., the source list). In contrast, Tensor object has an attribute that records the memory address of stored values, and copy_() just passes the addresses of left-value and right-value to CUDA API to copy the stored values. Thus, without the command a = copy.deepcopy(a), the tensors in a have the same addresses as the parameters in m, since a is acquired by state_dict(). By _copy(), parameters of m and tensors in a point to the same memory space, making any changes in a’s entries observable from m’s entries.