Summary of Core-ideas

A neural network layer is essentially an operator that transforms an input signal into another signal (might be over another domain). When an operator is said to be equivariant to a group \(G\), any group element acting on the input signal leads to an predictable change in the output signal.


What is equivariance?


  • An operator \(\Phi: \mathcal{X}\rightarrow\mathcal{Y}\)
  • a group \(G\) has representations \(\rho^{\mathcal{X}}\) and \(\rho^{\mathcal{Y}}\) on \(\mathcal{X}\) and \(\mathcal{Y}\), respectively

\(\Phi\) is equivariant to \(G\) if: \(\forall g\in G, \rho^{\mathcal{Y}}(g)\circ\Phi=\Phi\circ\rho^{\mathcal{X}}(g)\)

What is a Haar measure on a group \(G\)?

  • (left Haar measure) \(\forall \tilde{g}\in G, \text{d}(\tilde{g}g) = \text{d}g\)
  • (right Haar measure) \(\forall \tilde{g}\in G, \text{d}g\tilde{g} = \text{d}g\)

What is unimodular group?

When the left and right Haar meansures coincide, the underlying group \(G\) is said to be a unimodular group.

Examples and Interpretations

How to prove that (eg2.10) the correlation operator is equivariant to the translation group?

The correlation operator is defined as \((k \star f)(x) = (\mathcal{T}_{x}k, f)_{\mathbb{L}_{2}(\Re^d)}\).

As the translation group has left-regular representation for the space \(\mathbb{L}_{2}(\Re^d)\), we have \(\forall g\in\Re^d, (\rho(g)\circ f)(\tilde{x}) = f(g^{-1}\otimes \tilde{x}) = f(\tilde{x} - g)\). Thus, the above equation becomes \(\int_{\tilde{x}} k(\tilde{x}-x) f(\tilde{x}-g)\text{d}\tilde{x}\). Similarly, \((\rho(g)\circ (k\star f))(x) = (k\star f)(x-g)\). Thus, the above equation becomes \(\int_{\tilde{x}} k(\tilde{x}-(x-g)) f(\tilde{x})\text{d}\tilde{x}\).

Let \(x' = \tilde{x}-g\) and apply substitution. We get \(\int_{\tilde{x}} k(\tilde{x}-x) f(\tilde{x}-g)\text{d}\tilde{x} = \int_{x'} k(x' - x + g) f(x')\text{d}x'\), which is equivalent to apply the group representation on the output signal.

Any useful result from Haar measure?

(e.g., Lemma 2.3) Given \(k, f \in \mathbb{L}_{2}(G)\), \(\mathcal{L}_g\) the left-regular representation of \(g\in G\) on \(\mathbb{L}_{2}(G)\), and Haar measure \(\text{d}g\). Then we have \((\mathcal{L}_{g}k, f)_{\mathbb{L}_{2}(G)} = (k, \mathcal{L}_{g^{-1}}f)_{\mathbb{L}_{2}(G)}\)

As the textbook shows, \(LHS = \int_{G} [\mathcal{L}_{g}k](\tilde{g}) f(\tilde{g})\text{d}\tilde{g} = \int_{G} k(g^{-1}\tilde{g}) f(\tilde{g})\text{d}\tilde{g}\).

We can make substitution: \(\tilde{g}=gg'\). Then the equation becomes \(\int_{gG} k(g') f(gg')\text{d}gg'\), which, due to the measure is a Haar measure, can be written as \(\int_{G} k(g') f(gg')\text{d}g' = \int_{G} k(g') [\mathcal{L}_{g^{-1}}f](g')\text{d}g' = RHS\).

How to interpret the notations of Haar measure’s invariance?

Suppose, in the above example, \(G\) is translations on \(\Re\), \(g=-1\), and the integral interval is \([a, b]\). Then the variable substitution \(\tilde{g}=gg' = 1 + g'\) should let \(gg'=1+g'\) change along with \([a, b]\), which, in turn, lets \(g'\) change along with \(gG=[a, b] -1 = [a-1, b-1]\). Thus, Haar measure means a “uniform measure”, that is to say, different intervals have the same outer measure (length), i.e., \(\|[a, b]\|=\|[a-1, b-1]\|\).

Any concrete example of the above equation?

(e.g., EX 2.6) Because \(G=SE(d)\), we have \(\tilde{x}=g\odot x' = R_{g}x' + x_{g}\), and \(\text{d}\tilde{x}=\text{d}(R_{g} x' + x_g) = \text{d}x'\) is a Haar measure.