Summary of Core-ideas

Convolution — Cross-correlation — Template matching, i.e., inner product at different “positions”

“at different positions” — “between kernel transformed by different group elements and the input signal”

CNN (positions mean different translation) — R-CNN (positions mean different roto-translation)


What’s convolution?

For \(k,f\in\mathbb{L}_{2}(X)\),

\[(k\ast f)(x)=\int_{X} k(x-\tilde{x})f(\tilde{x})d\tilde{x}\]

Two functions (a kernel and a signal) are transformed into another function (signal).

What’s cross-correlation?

For \(k,f\in\mathbb{L}_{2}(X)\),

\[(k\star f)(x)=\int_{X} k(\tilde{x}-x)f(\tilde{x})d\tilde{x}\]

For multi-channel signals, we just sum up the results of all channels in calculating convolution and cross-correlation.

What is translation and roto-translation operators?

Let \(k\in\mathbb{L}_{2}(\Re^d)\), then, for each \(x\in\Re^d\),


We say \(\mathcal{T}\) parameterized by \(x\in\Re^d\) is a translation operator.

Let \(g=(x,\theta)\) where \(x\) is a translation vector, and \(\theta\) is the rotation angle,


We say \(\mathcal{L}\) parameterized by \(g\) is a roto-translation operator. Particularly, there \(R_{\theta}\) is a matrix for executing the rotation action and its inverse means rotating with the opposite angle (see later chapters for more details).

Other necessary definitions in this chapter include the inner product and norm of \(\mathbb{L}_{2}(X)\).


Is convolution and cross-correlation the same stuff?

Yes, they are related via kernel reflection, namely, letting \(k(x)=k'(-x),\forall x\in X\), then \(k\ast f=k'\star f\).

What is cross-correlation doing?

It makes “template matching”.

  • Intuitively, inner product is a similarity measure;
  • Cross-correlation measures the inner product between a kernel and a signal, where the kernel is transformed by an operator: \((k\star f)(x)=(\mathcal{T}_{x}k,f)_{\mathbb{L}_{2}(\Re^d)}\).

Recall that convolution is the “same” as cross-correlation, so CNN is making template matching.

What’s the source of CNN’s power?

  • If the desired pattern is translated in \(\Re^2\), it will still be recognized by the translated kernel \(k\).
  • Weight-sharing: no matter where the pattern is located in \(\Re^2\), the kernel \(k\) applied to recognize it is parameterized by the same suite of parameters.

What’s the motivation of G-CNN?

It is still making template matching with inner product but the kernel is roto-translation lifted (not just translated), that is to say, making group correlation (here roto-translation lifting correlation):


where the two functions (kernel \(k\) and signal \(f\)) are transformed into a higher dimensional function (signal or say feature map) with input \((x,\theta)\). Here “SE” is short for special euclidean motion group.

In this way, those two points regarded as CNN’s power are further generalized, namely, from translation to roto-translation.